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Playground Assembly Knoxville TN


Did you just order a new PLAYGROUND online and are you not sure how to put it together? Do you need help with PLAYGROUND ASSEMBLY in KNOXVILLE TN? Great you are in the right place!

If you don't even have any tools or much experience putting together products. Don't sweat it. I've been doing this for years and have a lot of experience on the job and can put your PLAYGROUND and PLAYHOUSE quickly, efficiently, and clean up after the job is complete!

Sometimes it takes me half a day, sometimes two full entire days. Every product is different and requires different assembly instructions. So if you don't enjoy wasting 2 to 3 whole day of your valuable free time on the weekend. When you could be enjoying it with family and friends.

Please fill out my contact form here: >>>I WANT AN ESTIMATE!<<< If you want to learn some helpful tips and things to consider before buying any products online or in a store, continue reading below to learn more.


The first thing to think about for this type of project is the location? Where in your backyard do you want to put this product? You need to have a lot of space available to do this. In the instructions, they even state at least a 10 feet radius beyond the playground for safety reasons. And to not have any other obstructions in the way that the kids could potentially get hurt.

Then you should be thinking about a level ground and the ground surface. Typically you will see a lot of playgrounds installed on just the grass lawn. However, I would advise if your budget allows for you to consider adding a more suitable ground surface for this installation. Anything from wood chips, to mulch, to sand, to even rubber floor, etc. Then adding a simple edging for the border will go a long way.

This is a wise investment because one you don't have to mow the grass in that area anymore. And two the kids will appreciate the ground surface better than just grass and weeds.

I will share one example from the past. I had assembled the client's playground and everything is working fantastic. Then a couple of months later their lawn guy ran over and broke a piece of the wood framing at the bottom. So I went back to fix it of course. But this goes to show it's wise to just use a new ground surface and create a border. This will eliminate that situation of lawn guys making errors and again it's no maintenance in the future saving you time.

Yes, the floor needs to be as level as reasonably possible for this type of installation. These playgrounds can be as simple as one slide, one swing, and one tower. To a huge castle with endless options and add ons etc.

Your kids' lives are on the line so make sure the playground gets installed correctly and safely.


Did you know I build houses too? Just kidding [not really]. These micro tiny little structures are as simple as a single room with windows, a door, and a roof. To very complex almost tiny house-style structures.

Yes, online they have endless products to choose from with different styles and functions. Whichever way you go. Remember if it's a wood product like cedar, etc. Over time you will need to do a little maintenance such as re-sealing with whatever the manufacturer suggests using as a sealer product.

But if your kids don't abuse and destroy the playhouse. Chances are it'll last a very long time and by that time your kids will have grown up and out of the playhouse.

However, if you did decide you wanted to build a treehouse, yurt, or something similar for your kids. Just ask me and we can discuss different options for your situation.


First, relax and breatheā€¦This happens a lot more than you think. Remember your product has gone through so many different phases in its life cycle.

The product starts off as raw materials, then gets manufactured somewhere, then gets packaged and stored at some warehouse/location. Then eventually you order it online or at the store. Finally, it gets put on a delivery vehicle and dropped at your doorstep.

A lot of moving parts are involved with this entire process. Sometimes quality control has bad days, and people make mistakes. I've seen where the product and box are damaged. This could've been during shipping. I've seen where hardware or parts are missing, which means it failed a QC test.

At the end of the day though, if you ordered the PLAYGROUND OR PLAYHOUSE online from a major company. Most of the time as long as you reach back out to the company quickly. They will send you the replacement or damaged product or pieces for free. And I will always 100% let you know if something is damaged or missing before I start building.

And if your product did end up having a damaged or missing part. Plan for at least a couple of weeks or longer for the manufacturer to fulfill the replacement order. Especially nowadays after the pandemic, everything will take longer than usual. Having realistic expectations will go a long way.


Great, text or call me at (865) 375-5273 and I will be happy to help. Don't stress yourself out trying to figure out all those funny-looking diagrams, breaking something, or getting injured. Instead, hire me a professional handyman that is an expert in PLAYGROUND ASSEMBLY in KNOXVILLE TN. Please fill out the contact form here: >>>I WANT AN ESTIMATE!<<< and I will get you booked on my schedule!

And if you found this article helpful and of value please share this with someone who you think needs help with PLAYGROUND ASSEMBLY in Knoxville TN. Thanks for visiting and reading.